Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Inspired by Brianna

I love to hear (read?) people wrestle with the concept of a ever-changing technological world.  Brianna does just that in this post as she she expresses her experience as what Gwaltney termed a "web native."  She compares herself to the students we Skyped with, who are "digital natives," and analyzes the fundamental differences between these generations.  The best part, in my opinion, is one that is often overlooked -- teenagers and "digital natives" clamor for balance, too!  I think older, less tech-savvy people often think they are the only ones who advocate for balance. 

In this course, we need to explore current trends (course objective #1, #4, #5), and Brianna's post is a reflection of her doing just that...as well as her promise that she will welcome those challenges as they come!  This is important because networked communication and computer-based instruction often enhances content (course objective #3, #6). 

Compassionate teachers begin where students are and use what interests them.  That not only means incorporating technology, but constantly searching for new cutting-edge tools, as well.  And, of course, being an agent of change that breaks down administrative barriers to accomplish this goal.  At the end of the day, that forces our lessons to be more rigorous.  It's all connected, people!


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